About Group

Climate Change

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About Group

As a responsible organization, we are committed to support the climate agenda to bring change.

As a consequence of the adverse effects of climate change the socio-economic lives of the people have been distorted and disrupted, leading to reduced livelihood activities, decreased income, increased unemployment and rampant poverty. The intensity of these impacts varies with geographical location, nature of economic activity, level of development, strength of infrastructure and readiness of countries to respond.

Impacts of climate change

Cases of extreme climate related events have increased in frequency and intensity. Such cases include but are not limited to:

  1. Heavy rains, devastating cyclones and storms in the Americas, southern part of Africa and Asia (India, Indonesia, Philippines, Bangladesh),
  2. Long droughts in Africa and California
  3. Extreme cold winters in Europe and North America
  4. Heat waves in Asia

These events have caused

  1. Losses of life of humans and animals
  2. Destruction of property and infrastructure
  3. Increased incidences of water born diseases such as diarrhea, dysentery, cholera etc
  4. Increased incidences of Malaria and dinge fever
  5. Landslides in mountainous areas such as Elgon and Ruwenzori regions in Uganda
  6. Coastal erosion and salination
  7. Increased floods in some countries like Mozambique

Equipped with information above, Wealth Masters is joining the Global climate change process, starting with COP26 scheduled for November – December 2021 in Glasgow, United Kingdom. This will provide a stepping stone to learn the process, network and find entry points for further involvement and collaboration.

Meanwhile, it is a clear fact that under the global climate change process developing countries including Africa face a lot of challenges that include but are not limited to inadequate financial resources to fund participation in the global climate change negotiations, limited knowledge and skills for developing bankable proposals to enable access of funds and support, Limited negotiation skills and inadequate understanding of the global climate change process.

Our partnership and collaboration with various institutions aim at addressing the following:

  1. Supporting the developing countries to understand the science of climate change and its adverse effects through awareness and sensitisation
  2. Promoting and supporting the fight against climate change, taking into consideration the link with sustainable development, gender equality and women empowerment
  3. Supporting climate change related initiatives and processes that address mitigation and adaptation to adverse effects of climate change in developing countries, particularly in Africa and least developed countries
  4. Supporting and promoting the implementation of United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UFCCC) and the Paris Agreement
  5. Supporting developing countries with particular attention to Africa, in the implementation of COP decisions and outcomes of the Global climate change processes
  6. Carrying out climate change related research and studies and advising parties accordingly
  7. Catalyzing south – south and regional collaboration to address climate change challenges
  8. Facilitating training regarding the implementation of COP decisions and other climate change related programmes/activities
  9. Supporting the National Adaptation Plan (NAPs) processes in Africa and Least Developed countries (LDCs)
  10. Supporting and promoting climate change technology development process and capacity building in Africa (Technology Needs Assessment and implementation of the outcomes)
  11. Supporting development and implementation of bankable projects aimed at combating climate change and its adverse effects
  12. Mobilising resources to support climate change efforts in developing countries, particularly in Africa
  13. Networking and collaborating with other stakeholders such as African Union, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, World bank, other financial institutions and NGOs in the fight against climate change
  14. Attending COP and other related meetings to learn the process, while seeking partnership and opportunities for collaboration
  15. Training developing countries as may be required, including in negotiation skills
  16. Establishing and maintaining database for information sharing